Human Resource Advisory

Jobrole's Human Resource Advisory Services encompass a wide array of activities aimed at assisting you in making the most cost-effective business decisions across every phase of your project, from strategy to implementation. Some of the key services we offer include:


Renowned quality management expert Dr. W. Edwards Deming once said, "If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing." At Jobrole, we ensure that you have a clear understanding of your processes. We begin by helping you identify your key business processes, accurately describe them, and assess the productivity levels of the resources involved.

Are these processes capable of sustaining your business, stakeholders, employees, and customers? We also evaluate whether your work processes are outdated and irrelevant, lingering from earlier decades of policies and procedures.

Employee Compensation Survey

The management and communication of employee compensation are crucial aspects of every business. Jobrole offers expert, strategic, and research-driven advice on employee compensation to help companies balance talent and governance risks and drive business performance. We assist businesses in aligning the interests of key stakeholders and devising pay arrangements that withstand close scrutiny from shareholders, regulators, and other stakeholders.

Cultural Alignment

The landscape of corporate cultures is constantly shifting and evolving—an undeniable reality. The question arises: who will steer, lead, and effectively manage this change? At Jobrole, we recognize that culture is akin to trust—it takes years to cultivate and mere moments to fracture.

Therefore, our primary objective is to assist organizations in aligning their culture with their business strategy. Our seasoned consultants collaborate closely with you to address issues proactively, ensuring they are resolved before they escalate into larger problems.

In addition to cultural alignment, our management consulting services encompass a range of activities, including:
  • Conducting Competitor Intelligence Surveys
  • Performing Employee Skills Audits
  • Conducting Employee Job Evaluations
  • Implementing Manpower and Succession Planning
  • Auditing HR Policies and Systems
  • Reviewing Staff Handbooks
  • Developing Job Positions, Descriptions, and Specifications
  • Facilitating Organizational and Industrial Re-engineering